How I name “Lootbox” and the story behind it?
I came up with the idea to make use of IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) to distubute games like Steam but no centrallized server and basiclly illegal download. Just like PopcornTime for games. I name it like the game reward/monitize system, “Lootbox” and like all of the great idea, after we name it, The fisrt thing you do is buying the domain name. Sadly the domain name “” is already taken. I would just add the “get” word and it would more interesting. Finally I got the domain “”. I’m think about the idea for a month, what is the customer? who gonna benefit from this platform. I’m no expert in game development and even myself as a gamer would not like to download more game luancher. More impotanly I start the idea for the solution to use a technology, not starting with the problem that I need to solve. So I decide to stop the lootbox game distribution platform.
Fast forward, after that I got the idea for automatic invest shoping cashback. My boss at the time came up with the code name “Niffler” the creature in the fantastic beat book/movies. It like to collect thing or basiclly steal. The name that J.K. Rolling would rolling her eyes. After I left the company, I have to come up with better name. I’m asking myself what would it call thing that keep my money, a “bank” — boring, if make it “soft” it would make me well funded right? a “vault” sound too safe people not gonna open it often. A “box” sound nice but need some word to play something with it since Box actually well known app. “Lootbox” Aha, I already bought the domain. The word “loot” does it sound bad? I have to look up Google Translate for it. It said “Loot — goods, especially private property, taken from an enemy in war”. What is the enemy of investing? Shopping!!. It’s done, I name it and name it well but cannot resist the tradition of buying the new domain names for the new idea. So I bought “”.